Approval of study fees for international citizens and stateless persons, a.y. 2022-2023
- 1442 просмотра
The Council for Institutional Strategic Development of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova approved the decision of the University Senate on establishing tuition fees for international citizens and stateless persons for the academic year 2022-2023.
Thus, it was decided to maintain the pre-university tuition fees, with teaching in Romanian, in the amount of 2000 euro and with teaching in English - in the amount of 2300 euro. Fees for nursing undergraduate study program, with teaching in Russian or Romanian, of 4000 euro and with teaching in English or French of 5000 euro remain unchanged.
The Council also approved the decision on the differentiated indexation of fees for integrated studies, doctorate, residency and clinical secondary education for international and stateless students. For students from Romania and the CIS countries, the fee for the integrated higher education program in medicine, taught in Romanian or Russian, constitutes 3800 euro, while for the Stomatology program - 4400 euro. Citizens of other states will have to pay for the same programs 4600 euro and 5250 euro, respectively. If students choose study programs with teaching in English or French, they will have to pay 5350 euro for medicine program and 6000 euro for Stomatology program. At the same time, students from India and other states, enrolled for the first time, will pay a 5000-euro fee for the medicine program.
For residency studies in Russian or Romanian, young people from Romania and the CIS countries will pay 4000 euro for the Medicine program and 5000 euro for Stomatology, while citizens from other states - 6400 euro for Medicine and 7000 euro for Stomatology.
Doctoral studies in English or French cost 6600 euro for the citizens of Romania who will attend classes physically.
The Council voted for the decision of the Senate on maintaining the promotional fees for pre-university and undergraduate studies (bachelor’s degree) in the academic year 2022-2023 for international citizens and stateless persons at the level of those previously approved, as follows: 1800 euro for pre-university studies with teaching in Romanian and 2100 euro for programs taught in English. In the same category was included the undergraduate program in nursing, which costs 3800 euro for teaching in Russian or Romanian and 4800 euro for teaching in English or French.
The Council endorsed the decision on the differentiated indexation of promotional fees for specialty studies for international citizens and stateless persons, who are registered through recruitment companies. Thus, for medicine and Stomatology programs with teaching in Romanian or Russian, fees of 4100 euro and, respectively, 4700 euro were established. For the medicine and pharmacy programs with teaching in English or French, an amount of 4800 euro is set, and for Stomatology – of 5500 euro. For students from India and other states, enrolled for the first time at medicine and pharmacy programs, a fee of 4500 euro is foreseen. For citizens of the United States of America who opt for integrated higher education under the Stomatology program, a fee of 12300 US dollars has been set for one year of studies. For the postgraduate clinical secondary education under the Stomatology program with teaching in English, citizens of the USA will have to pay 29 thousand US dollars.
According to another decision that has been approved, some tuition fees are adjusted as follows: the tuition fee for the Pharmacy program, taught in Romanian or Russian, for citizens of Romania and the CIS countries, is 3000 euro, for citizens of other states - 4000 euro, and for teaching in English or French - 4500 euro. The residency fee for the Pharmacy program varies between 3500 and 5000 euro, depending on the language of teaching and the country of origin of study beneficiaries.
At the same time, the decision of the University Senate regarding the adjustment of the promotional study fees for the Pharmacy program was endorsed. For integrated higher education with teaching in Romanian or Russian, a fee of 3500 euro is set and for those with teaching in English – a fee of 3800 euro.
The fee for the intensive Romanian language course for international residents was set at 400 euro.
Furthermore, for students in the last year of studies (year VI) at the Medicine program, an adjusted tuition fee was established in the amount of 1000 euro.
Additional costs were approved for local citizens for studies with teaching in English/French and for citizens with international protection status. Thus, for the integrated study programs Medicine, Pharmacy and Stomatology, it was decided to supplement the fee with 11600, 10400 and, respectively, 12400 lei. For the Optometry undergraduate program, a fee of 9500 lei was added, while for Nursing – a fee of 8400 lei.
The amount of tuition fees approved for the academic year 2022-2023 will be applied to all international students, including those who will transfer from other universities to different years of study.
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